MB-Lab 1.7.4 is LIVE

As of this morning MB-Lab 1.7.4 was "finished" and was published, however I did not make any official announcements on the internet just yet, I am running an experiment to see if people update the addon or have the auto-updater running checks, this is a "silent" release for the moment as I collect traffic data on Github.


This was partly due to an issue with the merging of branches I believe, when one of our developers was chatting I was not fully awake and had yet to process what the hell was being said but none the less I finished off the bump maps that I had been working, finalized last minute details and published it, all on my first cup of coffee.

So now we wait and see what happens, I will eventually make a public announcement on Blenderartists but at least while I am at work today I am going to monitor the traffic.
